Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What version should I use? Our View....

This is one of the most basic questions that many users are struggling with. What is the correct version to use for the new S1000D project. We have seen many project fail based on the wrong decision here. One important point DO NOT SELECT a .0 release of the specification. It has proven to be very unreliable followed by an update such 4.0.1 or 4.1 which comes out nearly one year after the 4.0 release. Our take right now is that 3.x is the most robust and reliable version. If you must use 4.x, then we suggest you look carefully and you justify in your own mind the "Why" of the decision.

The latest in not the best, it is simply that, the latest. In all cases, Inmedius will support the latest version and we will continue to be first to market with our support


  1. In whether to use the latest version of the standard, I feel that if you have a choice in choosing the version you use of S1000D (such as starting from scratch on a new program or data set) then go with the latest version of the standard available and supported by your S1000D system since all other versions going forward will be based on it, and by using an earlier version you only delay a conversion effort until later in the specification sequence when it might be harder and even more extensive. However, in many cases you will be dealing with a set of business rules from your customer or primary contractor or you may be in a cooperation of vendors (subcontractors) and in that case you all have to establish a baseline for all to work from so that the benefits of sharing and reuse can be achieved.

    Ray Stachowiak

  2. Hi Gary,

    Why do you say that latest is not always the best with referrence to version 4.0.1? And also why do you say that version 3.x is the reliable version? The"Why" for me to use Version 4.0.1 is because it was "cleaned up" regarding the xml attributes and elements, the tagnames were standardised and there is added Business rules features, to mention a few, therefore I thought that Version 4 is an improvement of the previous versions. Am I mistaken?


